header, Person touching in a tablet at the coffee represents Insights NAV that makes key business indicators available in real-time along with numerous financial analysis options


InsightsNAV makes key business indicators available in real-time along with numerous financial analysis options and unique interactivity.

Benefits of Implementing Outsystems Technology:


Based on the powerful associative engine from Qlik, a leader in the Gartner Quadrant, InsightsNAV makes it possible to find information by cross linking data from your business collected using Dynamics NAV. Enrich your analysis by adding information from any number of sources, such as Excel, SQL, Sharepoint and CRM.
InsightsNAV also provides a set of predefined indicators relating to your different business areas, and also the option of defining new indicators.
Insights nav logo


The ideal solution for financial analysis and informed decision-making. Save time and save on investment, the InsightsNAV associative data model enables new insights that facilitate and enhance the decision-making process.

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